Extra Exercises

SIMPLE PAST  Regular and Irregular Verbs

SIMPLE PAST  Regular and Irregular Verbs

Based on
A. Complete the sentences
Example :I didn´t watch TV last night.
1. On Saturday I ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins.
2. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night.
3. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.
4. They ____________ (not dance) at the party.
5. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.

B. Write the questions in the past
Example :   night? / meet /  you / them / last /
Did you meet them last night?
1. film? / like / you /  the /
2. you / many /  ask? / How / people /
3. a / have / time? / they / good /
4.  weekend? / the / What / do / we / at /
5. she / DVD? / Where / that /  buy /
6. party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he /  to /
7.  yesterday? / Who / you / see /

C. Complete the sentences with the past simple.
be – got up – meet – have – go – run – drink – sleep – swim – eat
Yesterday I got up early, at about seven o´clock.
1. I ________ a shower and some fruit for breakfast.
2. Then I ________ to the sports centre.
3. I ________ 500 meters in the swimming pool and then
4. I ________ 5 kilometers.
5. At lunchtime I ________ my friends in a café.
6. We ________ some pasta and ________ some juice.
7. After lunch I ________ for a few hours, I ________ tired!

D. Complete with past simple ( regular verbs).
1. I opened the door and ___________ (look) inside.
2. Who ___________ (close) all the windows?
3. I ___________ (carry) my mom´s shopping bag.
4. I ___________ (not climb) over the fence.
5. I ___________ (rip) my shirt.
6. The plane ___________ (land) ten minutes ago.
7. We ___________ (live) in that house when I was a baby.
8. My brother ___________ (not cry) when he fell of his bike.
9. We ___________ (walk) to school yesterday.
10. She ___________ (smile) when she saw me.

I. Past simple ( irregular verbs)
1. I ___________ (loose) my watch in the park.
2. David ___________ (not hurt) his knee.
3. I kicked the ball and it ___________ (break) a window.
4. My new shoes ___________ (not cost) a lot of money.
5. I ___________ (get) this book from the library.
6. We had a garage where we ___________ (keep) our car.
7. Ali ___________ (cut) his knee.
8. The glass ___________ (fall) off the table.
9. The glass ___________ (not break).
10. We ___________ (sell) our old car.
11. We ___________ (buy) a new car.

12. The bell ___________ (not ring).
13. We all ___________ (go) into school.
14. The dog ___________ (catch) the ball.
15. The man ___________ (not kneel) down.
16. Our cat ___________ (run) onto the road.
17. Jane ___________ (not write) a letter.
18. I ___________ (buy) a new camera last week.
19. We ___________ (drive) to a safari park yesterday.
20. Yesterday Dad ___________ (not take) me to the carnival.
21. Elizabeth ___________ (give) Eva a chocolate.
22. Jack and Jill ___________ (not go) up the hill.
23. Her ring ___________ (cost) ten Euros.
24. I ___________ (put) sugar in my coffee.
25. He ___________ (not hit) the ball over the net.

         A) Complete with simple present
1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.
2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.
3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.
4. School ________ (finish) at three o´clock.
5.You ________ (live) near me.
6. He ________(like) rap music.
7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.
8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.
9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.
10. My mother ________ (teach) art. 

B) Present simple
1. Ana _________ (not watch) TV.
2. Peter _________ (not study) French.
3. Javi _________ (watch) TV.
4. Antonio _________ (play) computer games.
5. Luis Miguel _________ (not read) magazines.
6. _________ María _________ (listen) to music?
7. _________ Beatriz _________ (tidy) her room?
8. My parents _________ (read) the newspaper.
9. When _________ your brother _________ (surf) the internet?
10. Who _________ you _________ (play) football with?
11. What _________ your sister _________ (do) on Saturday?
12. Blanca _________ (go) to a sleepover.
13. Isabel _________ (not phone) a friend.
14. I _________ (eat) a hamburger every weekend.
15. My Mum _________ (like) classical music.
16. I _________ (not eat) pizza.
17. I _________ (drink) water.
18. Gonzalo _________ (help) his friends with their homework.
19. Carlos _________ (make) people laugh.
20. Alan _________ (not like) talking to new people.
21. Chris _________ (do) the housework for her parents.
22. I _________ (want) to join Daniel´s fan club.
23. Isabel and I _________ (see) each other every week.
24. Linda _________ (wear) new clothes.

C) Arrange the words below to make questions.

     1.      she / to collect / stickers -
     2.      they / to play / a game -
     3.      the cat / to sleep / in the cat's bed -
     4.      she / often / to dream -
     5.      he / to play / streetball -
     6.      you / to be / from Paris -
     7.      the pupils / to wear / school uniforms -
     8.      you / to go / to the cinema -
     9.      she / to have / friends -
    10.  he / to read / books -


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